(OnePlus 6) Definitive Guide for Windows 10 ARM installation


You are here, for installation of Windows 10/11 ARM64 on Snapdragon 845 devices. There are many issues with the drivers, which result in Qualcomm Crash Dump or Blue screen. After multiple trials and errors, I finally figured the definitive guide for installation of Windows 10 ARM64 on OnePlus 6. This d guide does not requires installation of any drivers as all the drivers and MS Office for ARM, are preinstalled. It is a bootable recovery image of my own working build.

Although initial setup needs to be done and this will render the android system unbootable:

  1. Copy parted to root of sdcard/storage of the phone
  2. Boot the latest twrp recovery:
adb shell
cp /sdcard/parted /sbin/ && chmod 755 /sbin/parted
umount /data && umount /sdcard
parted /dev/block/sda

Remove all partitions Note: Android will be removed

rm 17
rm 16
rm 15
rm 14

Make necessary partitions (128GB model)

mkpart esp fat32 6559MB 7000MB
mkpart win ntfs 7000MB 120GB
mkpart pe fat32 120GB 121GB
mkpart userdata ext4 121GB 125GB
set 14 esp on

Reboot to twrp and format the partitions

adb shell
mkfs.fat -F32 -s1 /dev/block/by-name/pe
mkfs.fat -F32 -s1 /dev/block/by-name/esp
mkfs.ntfs -f /dev/block/by-name/win
mke2fs -t ext4 /dev/block/by-name/userdata

Reboot to twrp and copy pe folder to adb folder:

adb push pe /sdcard/pe/
adb shell
mount /dev/block/by-name/pe /mnt
cp -r /sdcard/pe/* /mnt

Now flash the UEFI boot image for Oneplus 6 from bootloader

fastboot flash boot boot.img

Copy Backupimage.win (which was downloaded) and DISM++ to a pendrive, wait for PE image to boot. Connect usb keyborad, mouse and pendrive via USB-C Hub.

In command prompt, enter following commands:

select disk 0
list part
select part 14
assign letter=Y

Now open Dism++ARM64.exe and click on REcovery tab —> System Restore

Browse and select backupimage.wim from pendrive, and select destination (C:) and check “Add Boot”.
Now wait patiently as i may take some time.
After Restore is finished, enter following commands in Command Prompt:

bcdedit /store Y:\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {Default} testsigning on
bcdedit /store Y:\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {Default} nointegritychecks on
bcdedit /store Y:\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {Default} recoveryenabled no
shutdown -s -t 0

Remove all USB devices/Hub and let the phone boot.


Everything except Camera, is working.


  1. TWRP
  2. Renegade Project
  3. Microsoft
  4. Oneplus

Download Links: Mediafire Link.

1 Like

Hello one question. I have a oneplus 6t. Will these files work for me or is it only for the oneplus 6???
There it says that everything works except the camera. Does the audio on the phone work? because the audio doesn’t work for me, which is quite annoying.

It must work for OnePlus 6T too. Just use boot file for OnePlus 6T as both phones are same essentially.

Are you using the latest drivers from October 25? in my case the latest drivers do not work for me, the driber gpu andreno 680 causes me chrash

recovery file is corrupt ?

Hi please help im try install windows arm on oneplus 7 pro, but i get blue screen in first boot, I have followed the official renegade guide